Students Right and Responsibilities » 🌟 Students Rights and Responsibilities

🌟 Students Rights and Responsibilities

These principles represent an agreement between the students, teachers, administrators, and parents.  With everyone’s continued cooperation, we can provide the best possible education for all the students in our building in a safe and healthy environment.


  1. All students have the right to an education and no student may deprive others of their right to an education.
  2. All individuals have the right to be respected and have the responsibility to respect others.
  3. All individuals have the right to have their property respected and the responsibility to respect school property and the property of others.
  4. All students have the right to learn in a safe and healthy environment and the responsibility to foster this environment.
  5. All students have the right to attend school and not be physically or verbally threatened. All students have the responsibility to foster this principle.
  6. All students who ride a school bus are entitled to a safe and orderly ride to and from school. All riders have the responsibility to foster this environment.
  7. All students, in all disciplinary matters, are entitled to the opportunity to present their version of the facts and circumstances leading to the imposition of disciplinary sanctions to the professional staff member imposing such action.