Incoming Sixth Grade Course Selection- Fall 2025

January 2025

Dear Parent/Guardian:

This is an exciting time for you as your child begins the transition process to Weber Middle School. We at Weber are eagerly looking forward to meeting with our new class of sixth graders entering in the Fall. Middle school opens new horizons and prospects for you and your children. We welcome the opportunity to share new experiences with you as we work and plan together for the next three years.

There are some choices for you and your child to make for sixth grade. Please look closely at the Google form (link below) which will ask you to prioritize the world language your child wishes to take. Your child’s choice of world language will be his/her language course for the entire three years. No exceptions will be made.  Please note that every effort will be made to accommodate your child’s first or second choice for world language. *Providing your child has a passing average for the three years and passes the FLACS in 8th grade, your child will receive 1 high school credit in World Language and the final average of 8th grade will appear on the high school transcript.

Also, please choose EITHER a performing music ensemble (must be currently participating in) OR general music course for your child’s upcoming 6th grade school year. The choice of music will be their music course for the entire 6th grade. No exceptions will be made.

Descriptions of the world language and music courses are on the Google form which is linked below. Our world language and music department staff have visited each elementary school to explain these two programs. (Daly) (Guggenheim) (Manor) (Salem) (Sousa)


Please fill out the form no later than January 30, 2025.



Beth Javeline
