The School Day:
The school day is from 8:00 AM through 3:10 PM. No student is permitted to enter the building before 7:55 AM unless dropped off by a bus, specifically attending a club, or supervised activity.
Please call or email the house office to alert them if your child will be late or absent. Students need a note signed by a parent/guardian explaining any absence. Students are responsible for obtaining missed work when they are absent.
Lateness and Early Dismissal:
If a student arrives after homebase, they should report directly to their house office (homebase is from 8:07-8:14 AM). Early dismissals require a written request from a parent/guardian and students will meet you outside the building. Without a note, parents/guardians must enter the school building to sign students out. A student will be released to an adult approved on the Emergency Contact Form.
The Weber ID Card:
A Weber ID Card is issued at the beginning of the school year. Students are required to carry this card during the school day. This ID card is also used as a bus pass, library card, and lunch card.
One-half of the 45-minute lunch period is allocated for eating and one-half of the period may be spent in supervised recess. Visit Food Services on the District homepage under “District” for pricing information. The card operates as a debit card and a check can be made payable to the PW School District or go to to add money. When the account is under $10, you will receive a reminder to replenish the account.
Forgotten Items/Lost and Found:
Parents may drop off forgotten items at the security vestibule. Students are responsible to check for such items. Lost and found is in the cafeteria.
Who to call/email and when?
Academic Concerns:
If you have concerns about issues such as: your child’s academic performance/progress or questions about the curriculum, please observe the following contact protocol:
1st contact - Teacher
2nd contact - School Counselor
3rd contact - Department Chairperson
4rd contact - Assistant Principal
5th contact - Principal
6th contact - Director (Creative Arts, Health & Physical Education, ENL)
7th contact - Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
8th contact - Superintendent
Behavioral/Social Concerns:
If you have concerns about issues such as: bullying or harassment of your child at school; your child does not seem to be fitting in or has few or no friends; your child often appears to be depressed, unhappy or is very stressed, please observe the following contact protocol:
1st contact - Teacher/School Counselor
2nd contact - School Psychologist/Social Worker
3rd contact - Assistant Principal
4th contact - Principal
Athletic & Extra-curricular Activities Concerns:
If you would like to get your child involved in after school activities, have questions about an extra-curricular activity, want information regarding the “cut” policy, or would like to know why your child was “cut” from an athletic team; please observe the following contact protocol:
1st contact - Coach/Club Advisor
2nd contact - Athletic Director/Chairperson
3rd contact - Asst. Principal
4th contact – Principal
Department Chair/Lead Teacher:
Social Studies
Mr. Barbara
Athletic Department
Mr. Baudo
Math Department
Ms. Bielawski
World Language
Ms. Doherty
Ms. Lindstadt-Iurka
Special Education
Mr. Silak
Ms. Sweet
School Counselor
Ms. Weiner