
School Safety Hotline For Weber Middle School & Schreiber High School
Report It Online:
To make an anonymous report, log into the website.
To submit a report involving Weber Middle School use the following information:
User Name: Weber
Password: Weber
To submit a report involving Schreiber High School use the following information:
User Name: Schreiber
Password: Schreiber
To submit a report involving Weber Middle School use the following information:
User Name: Weber
Password: Weber
To submit a report involving Schreiber High School use the following information:
User Name: Schreiber
Password: Schreiber
Anonymous reports can also be made by telephone using the above User Names and Passwords.
(School Safety Hotline)
Port Washington School District
Report It Online:
To make a report, log into the website.
Enter User Name: Port
Password: Hotline
or by telephone
(Fraud, Waste & Abuse)
(School Safety Hotline)
Reports submitted to the School Safety Hotline are received by the Administration at the specific school as well as the Superintendent's office.
Fraud, Waste & Abuse Hotline *
Port Washington School District
Fraud, Waste & Abuse Hotline (an anonymous reporting service)
*This is a separate reporting system from the School Safety Hotline.
Please do not use this service to report student safety concerns.
Please do not use this service to report student safety concerns.
Report It Online:
To make a report, log into the website.
Enter User Name: Port
Password: Hotline
or by telephone
(Fraud, Waste & Abuse)
Reports submited to the Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline are received by the Superintendent, Central Administration and a Board of Education representative.