🏥 Health Services
Students who are feeling ill during the school day, should report to their class to obtain a pass from their classroom teacher BEFORE reporting to the Medical Office. If it is necessary for a student to go home, they may do so only after the School Nurse has contacted a parent or guardian. All students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Emergency Form
An updated emergency contact form must be submitted each year to the House Office. If there is a change of information during the school year, please call the House Office immediately with the updated information.
Any student requiring medication during school hours must see the school Nurse for dispensing. All medications require an up to date doctor’s order on file in the Medical Office.
All injuries, no matter how slight, should be reported to the medical office immediately.
Physical Education Medical Excuse
All medical excuses are processed through the Medical Office. Long term excuses from P.E. require a doctor’s note. Students who are excused from physical education cannot participate in interscholastic sports. They are required to attend their physical education class as an observer unless there is an unusual circumstance.
Please refer to the Weber Medical Page for health updates such as hygiene, sports, food allergies, communicable diseases, and screenings: scoliosis, immunization, hearing, vision, height, and weight which is completed at various times throughout the year. Please contact the School Nurse with any questions or concerns.