💻 Internet Acceptable Use
The guidelines listed below govern the use of Weber resources. Students using computer resources must adhere to the guidelines listed below. Failure to appropriately use the computer resources may subject students to disciplinary action, beginning with suspension of use privileges. Should any infraction require action beyond a warning, that action will be imposed after consultation with the student’s House Administrator.
Our guidelines for use include the following:
- Material that may visually offend others or that promotes hate, racism, violence or intolerance is not permitted.
- Material obtained and/or used in a manner that violates copyright law is prohibited.
- All material obtained from the Internet must be properly cited.
- Students will not give out any personal information such as name, address, telephone number, social security number, credit card number, etc. Giving out this kind of information can be dangerous to the student and family.
- It is not acceptable for a student to enter the files of a staff member or another student.
- Students are not permitted to download music.
- Additional rules may apply to computer use in specific departments and areas.
- Students may not use the computer for personal messages (IM’s).
- Students should not share their passwords.
- Deleting the files of another student or staff member in shared folders is considered an act of vandalism.
- If brought to the school’s attention, emails, text messages, Facebook, but not limited to, or IM’s, even if written from home, which can be considered as harassing, disrupting of the educational process, offensive, intimidating, verbally assaulting, or jeopardizing the safety, morals, health or welfare of others may be handled by the school’s authorities and/or police.