Math Olympiads
Math Olympiads take place during Lunch and Recess
2024 - 2025
As part of Lunch Time Enrichment, all interested students will have the opportunity to participate in the Math Olympiads Competitions.
- Math Olympiads are a set of five contests offered once a month from November through March.
- Olympiads take place during lunch and recess time.
- Each thirty-minute contest consists of five challenging math problems.
- The children compete against themselves, as well as against students from all over the nation and the world.
- Sixth graders participate in Division E.
- Seventh and Eighth graders participate in Division M.
- Bring your lunch and a pencil at the start of the period you are assigned lunch and recess.
- Students are asked to sign up for the Olympiads so we know how many to expect. Sign up begins the week of October 7.
- We advise students to commit to attending all five contests, otherwise their final score will be 20% lower for each contest they miss. Come to Room 8, Flower Hill Building during Lunch or Recess to sign up.
Dates for the24-25 school year:
6th Grade -
7th Grade
8th Grade
Students can go onto the website to view sample contest questions at
Want to print a poster to hang up to remind you of the dates? Click Here